
From BerserkerLoop
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System Data Glossary  
Health The amount of damage that characters can take before losing a round.
Prejump Number of frames before a character becomes airborne from a jump, during which they are throw invincible but cannot block.
Backdash Number of frames this move is in a recovery state before returning to neutral.
Forward Dash Number of frames this move is in a recovery state before returning to neutral. Most characters have a run instead of a forward dash.
Frame Data Glossary  
Guard How this attack can be guarded. All non-throws can be air Barrier Blocked unless otherwise stated.
Startup Number of frames for this move to reach the first active frame (includes the first active frame).
Active Number of active frames in this attack. Values in () are for gaps between hits of an attack.
Recovery Number of frames this move is in a recovery state before returning to neutral.
OnBlock After blocking this attack, how soon can the attacker move compared to the defender.
  • A positive value means the attacker can move first.
  • A negative value means the defender can move first.

Assumes that the attack connects as soon as possible against a standing/crouching opponent, and that the attacker does not cancel the attack into anything else.

Attribute Some attacks are invulnerable to attacks with specific attributes. This notes what attributes each attack possesses.
H Head
B Body
F Foot
P Projectile. Independent projectiles will have their Clash level listed. For example a projectile that is Clash level 2 will show P2
T Throw
D Doll move such as Nirvana and Ignis
Invuln Attribute and Hitbox invincibility for this attack
P1 Proration value that is applied only when this attack is used as a starter. See here for more info on P1 and P2.
P2 Proration value that is applied to the combo proration value when this attack is used.
Starter Combo time modifier when this attack is used as the starting hit of a combo.
Cancel What this attack can cancel into. Any other cases will be listed in its respective notes.
C self cancellable
S special/distortion cancellable
Dr drive cancellable
O overdrive cancellable
J jump cancellable
R rapid cancellable
Da dash cancellable
(X) X cancellable on hit only
Level Attack Level determines the amount of hitstun, blockstun, and hitstop this attack will inflict. Note that there are exceptions.
Blockstun When blocked, how many frames the opponent is stuck in a blocking animation. Values shown here are for ground blocking. Air blocking adds 2 frames of blockstun.
GroundHit When hitting a grounded opponent, how many frames of hitstun they experience.
AirHit When hitting an airborne opponent, how many frames for which they cannot air tech.
GroundCH When Counter Hitting a grounded opponent, how many frames of hitstun they experience.
AirCH When Counter Hitting an airborne opponent, how many frames for which they cannot air tech.
Blockstop When an opponent blocks the attack, how many frames both characters 'freeze' in place. If numbers are in the format X/+Y, that means the defender experiences Y additional frames of blockstop.
Hitstop When an opponent gets hit by this attack, how many frames both characters 'freeze' in place. If numbers are in the format X/+Y, that means the defender experiences Y additional frames of hitstop. If numbers are in the format +Y, that means use the X number from blockstop.
CHstop When an opponent gets Counter Hit by this attack, how many frames of additional hitstop the opponent experiences.