Pokemon SV/Guides/Herba Mystica Guide

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How to QUICKLY Grind Herba Mystica

About Sonic Riders DX
Release Dates:
Version 1.0 International.png: May 24th, 2021
Version 2.0 International.png: September 2nd, 2022
A modification of:
Sonic Riders
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Herba Mystica Guide.png

Drift Dash

ReleaseButtonIcon-GCN-L.png or ButtonIcon-GCN-R.png after your air trail changes color
Gives you a burst of speed in the direction you are facing, immediately losing any rotational speed.
The speed at which you charge your drift dash AND the speed of the dash itself is determined by the extreme gear you're riding.
There are 3 levels of drift charge:
Drift Charge uses the base values for your gear
Drift Overcharge takes 1.5x longer to charge and adds +10 speed & +10 drift cap to the dash
Drift Critical Overcharge takes 2x longer to charge and adds +20 speed & +20 drift cap to the dash