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Advantage-S (Running Gear) is a specialist gear oriented around its high stats, rapid Air Drain and high Run Speed.

Contrary to its nickname, Advantage-S requires heavy focus on making the best use of the little Air it has, but its Run Speed is a prevalent mechanic used often in races.

Gear Archetypes: 
High Boosting Icon.png Special Icon.png
Fuel Type: Air
Special Effects: - Increased Run Speed - Legend

Pros And Cons

Advantage-S is high-risk, high-reward gear that uses it's unique stat spread and running properties to carve out a notable niche on most stages.
Pros Cons
  • Run Speed: Higher run speed allows continued uptime at the cost of it being generally slower than most gear's boost speed.
  • Consistency: Adv-S is a consistent gear due to it's run speed as the variability in it's speed over the course of the race remains rather constant. This is reinforced due to it also having legend effect.
  • Class Adaptability: The variety in Adv-S' stats creates usability across the game's classes. Literally all classes find use in hih-level bracket play.
  • Run State Maneuverability: The universal changes to run state allow the player to accelerate in run while holding forward within 20 degrees of straight forward, this works exceptionally well for Adv-S as it allows for quick shifts in your movement without slowing down.
  • Preservation of Air: Adv-S has a quirk about it's jump charge. Usually passive drain will change when a gear charges jump. However, for Adv-S, while charging jump your passive drain is halted.
  • Knowledge Check: Due to Adv-S' unique playstyle and routing,
  • Lack of Offensive and Defensive Options: due to Adv-S' high passive drain it enters run fairly frequently. As a result, you'll often find yourself without the ability to dodge and counter attack your opponent or even tornado to defend yourself. You'll only have your running mobility, and jumping to dodge your opponent's attacks.
  • Predictability: As with the previous disadvantage, the passive drain leads Adv-S to have very predictable routing which can be played around to capitalize on during it's cool down state (running).
  • Preservation of Air: While charging jump Adv-S will still be slowed like all other gears.

Raw Stats