SRDX/Gears/Trap Gear

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Trap Gear is a unique Gear that disregards the B button mentality and adopts a more cruising centric style with a twist. Trap Gear can't Boost at all instead it gets a speed increase after placing a tornado (also known as Tornado boost). this in turns means that the user is going fast as they leave a minefield of tornados for the person behind to deal with.

Trap Gear
Trap gear.png
Gear Archetypes: 
Combat Icon.png Cruising Icon.png
Fuel Type: Air
Special Effects: - Tornado Boost

Pros And Cons

Trap Gear is gear that shines on it's ability to combat threats that are behind it.
Pros Cons
  • Combat centric design: Trap Gear is a very combat centric gear aided by the fact that tornados are very effective tool to keep the opponent in check.
  • Very good if leading: Trap Gear's best place is to be ahead of the opponent as it is when it's ability to produce tornados really shines the most as the person behind has to deal with the incoming barrage of these and lose time every time he gets hit by one of the tornados.
  • Very low Tornado Cost: the tornado cost on the gear is very low allowing the user to spam a bunch of tornados
  • Lack of boost: As stated before Trap Gear does not have a boost meaning that it is defenseless against attacks coming from the sides and it is also useless in dealing with threats ahead
  • Very bad if behind: Trap Gear does not count with good catch up meaning that if the opponent gets far enough ahead Trap Gear will pretty much be set out of commission.
  • Only 2 Tornados active : contrary to what you might think you can only have 2 of these active at a time

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