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About Sonic Riders DX
Release Dates:
Version 1.0 International.png: May 24th, 2021
Version 2.0 International.png: September 2nd, 2022
A modification of:
Sonic Riders
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Sonic Riders DX Term Glossary
Term  Category  Nicknames  Details
Air Resource The fuel that most gears use. It is often expended by cruising, boosting, or placing a tornado, and can be replenished at an air pit, by performing tricks, using type shortcuts, or by picking up item boxes.
Acceleration Attribute The rate at which you will naturally increase your speed up to your limit in any given circumstance - you can only do so while not turning though.
Archetype (Gear) Classification Classifications that describe the general traits of a gear. Many gears are more aptly described with 2 archetypes, in which case the first can be considered the 'primary' archetype, while the latter 'secondary' archetype often encompasses a smaller aspect of their playstyle.

- Standard: Gears that vary but have generally average stats. A completely standard gear would have 200/230/250 boost speeds, 25/30/40 boost and tornado costs, 50/80/100 drift boosts, and no special effects.
- Cruising: Gears that either prefer to cruise or are indifferent to cruising rather than boosting, often have higher passive fuel consumption. Generally have top speed exceeding 190.
- High Boosting: Gears that have boost speeds above 200/230/250 by 15 speed or more compared to at least 2 levels. Often have high boost costs and low top speeds.
- Drift: Gears with significantly lower drift frames, or higher drift boost speeds leading to a playstyle focused on snaking or otherwise abusing drifts.
- Combat: Gears with a modifier on their attacks or tornados making them stronger. Often have significant downsides requiring them to interact to win. Cannot be a standalone archetype.
- Special: Gears that have playstyle altering abilities that don't fall under other archetypes, often only one or two gears will have these unique traits.

Attack Sliding Technique By holding drift and then jump during a boost, the boost won't be cancelled as it normally is when initiating a jump charge. This allows you to retain your boost speed while charging a jump, as well as attack. You still decelerate from charging the jump.
Attack State State The ability to attack your opponents. The hitbox and attack animation is different for every character and is different at each level.

Attacks only work on grounded opponents, so they can be dodged by jumping, and even cancelled if you fall off an edge before the attack animation finishes.

There are 2 main types of attack hitboxes: Tether, and AOE. Almost all attacks are Tether style, but Late Boosters exclusively get AOE attacks at level 2.
- Tether style attacks function similarly to a command grab in fighting games. When an opponent enters the hitbox range, both players will be locked together in movement, and will move along preset ""rails"" in the track. While locked, the player landing the attack will perform their animation, the actual timing of the effects of the attack is different for every individual animation. These types of attacks cancel your boost state when the animation starts, so you'll need to boost again after the attack.
- AOE style attacks function similarly to normal attack hitboxes in fighting games. When an opponent enters the hitbox range, the effect of the attack is immediately applied, no special animation plays, and the boost is not interrupted. AOE attacks also have larger hitboxes than tether attacks.
If you land a hit, you'll gain resources, your opponent will lose resources, and your opponent will receive some form of status effect.

When you land a hit: ONLY ON AIR GEARS:

  • Gain air equal to 75% of your boost cost + 10 air. If the air gain would be lower than 20/25/35 based on level, you will instead gain that amount of air. This only applies to gears that use air as fuel.

When you get hit: You lose resources based on your fuel type:

  • Air Gears: Lose 10% of your current air + 10 air AND lose 15% of your current rings + 10 rings
  • Ring Gears: Lose 10% of your current rings + 5 rings
Basic Status Effect Status Effect A status effect inflicted by all level 1 attacks. While affected, you lose the ability to boost or tornado. However, jumping, riding turbulence, being hit by a tornado, or becoming airborne will cancel the effect.
Berserker Special Effect Forces you to enter "Berserk" mode when your have 75% of your maximum air or more. In Berserk mode, you are forced into boost state, and will begin accelerating rapidly. The boost will not cost anything, but you will drain air rapidly during it. The Berserk mode threshold is indicated by making the relevant section of the air gauge grey, instead of blue. The drain rate is halved while drifting, and you accelerate more quickly while you are below your 'normal' boost speed.
Boost State After pressingButtonIcon-GCN-B.pngorButtonIcon-GCN-X.png, your speed becomes set to your boost speed, and you enter the boost state and attack state. Your "Max Speed" gets changed to your boost speed while active. You cannot boost again until your current one ends. Sometimes you will want to cancel a boost early, which can be done by charging jump or becoming airborne.
Boost Chain Advanced Technique A special form of boost that occurs when you boost while Drifting.

Instead of setting your speed to a predetermined value, boost chaining increases your current Speed by a percentage. This value is referred to as your 'Boost Chain Modifier (BCM)'. By default, this value is 19.3%; however, this can be modified by characters and gears.

A common misconception is that gears with a 0% modifier, such as Cover-P and Fastest, aren't able to boost chain; this is untrue. While they don't gain speed from the boost chain, they won't lose speed either, meaning you can boost chain to enter attack state without losing speed on these gears.
Note: After the initial burst of speed, you will begin to decelerate back down to your boost speed.

Class (Character) Attribute "There are 6 classes in the game, each granting stat bonuses. Each character falls into one of the classes.

The 5 standard classes have 3 characters, 1 of each type, and the remaining is exclusive to E-10000G as he lacks a type.
- Early Boost: +60 frames of Boost Duration at level 1 and level 2, +1.5% Boost Chain Modifier
- Late Boost: +60 frames of Boost Duration at level 2 and level 3, AOE hitbox for level 2 attacks
- Top Speed: +8 Top Speed, +40 frames of boost duration at every level
- Drift: +30 frames of Boost Duration at level 1, + 15 frames of Boost Duration at level 2, +20 Drift
- All Round: +4 Top Speed, +20 frames of Boost Duration at all levels, +10 Drift, +1.5% Boost Chain Modifier, slightly longer stun duration from level 3 attacks
- Boost Speed: +2 Boost speed, +4 Top Speed, +10 frames of Boost Duration at all levels
- OmniClass: +11 Top Speed, +70 frames Boost Duration at every level, +20 Drift, +3% Boost Chain Modifier, +5 Boost Speed

Clutch State A state in which you completely ignore turbulence and air pits. PressingButtonIcon-GCN-Y.pngwill toggle the clutch state, turning your air trail purple while activated. By holdingButtonIcon-GCN-Z.png, you can temporarily reverse your clutch state, allowing you to ignore while in normal state, or ride while in clutch state. UsingButtonIcon-GCN-Z.pnghas no visual indicator.

Note: your clutch status isn't affected by other states; it only changes when you press its dedicated buttons. This is even true while running, although you never ignore air pits while running.

Control Lock State A punishing state that removes your ability to control your character at all. Can be caused by bonking, or being inflicted with shock, sphere, or twist.

Control lock will not cancel your jump charge. During it, you can still jump off ramps and tapButtonIcon-GCN-A.pngto cancel fly state.

Cruising State State The 'default' state. While in this state the player will automatically accelerate to their Top Speed. Turning will cancel acceleration.
Cruise Control Special Effect Boosting converts the gear's Top Speed value to the gear's current Boost Speed value until 'interrupted', meaning that you continue to move at your boost speed even after the boost has ended.
  • Interruption is anything that inflicts Control Lock or takes you out of the Cruising State, such as charging a jump, bonking, being attacked, taking an Air Pit, or leaving the ground. There are some unique cases, such as the rainbow trail on Splash Canyon, the light trail on SEGA Illusion, and the top path on Digital Dimension, where cruising off the end does not cancel cruise control.
Daze Status Effect A status effect inflicted by some attacks. While dazed, you lose the ability to boost and tornado. You can still drift, charge a jump, jump, and ride turbulence, with the latter cancelling the status effect.
Deceleration The rate at which you decelerate back to your current maximum speed when above that value. This rate increases with your current maximum speed.

Max Speed > 200: Speed loss per frame = ( (Overmax Speed / 60 )^2 +0.2)/1000
Max Speed < 200: Speed loss per frame = (( Overmax Speed / (260 - Max Speed) )^2 +0.2 )/1000
Overmax Speed = Speed - MaxSpeed (while Speed > MaxSpeed)
Example: High Booster with Sonic has 157 top speed at level 1, and 183 top speed at level 3, therefore it decelerates faster at level 3 while cruising. However at all levels, its boost speed is above 200, so it always decelerates at the same rate while boosting regardless of level.

Deceleration (Flying) System Mechanic The rate at which you decelerate while flying.

Note: Flying deceleration has a cap, you cannot lose more than 10 speed per frame.

Deceleration (Grounded) System Mechanic The rate at which you decelerate while cruising or boosting.

Note: Grounded deceleration has a cap, you cannot lose more than 10 speed per frame.

Drift (Stat) An ambiguous term that refers to two separate stats: Drift Dash Speed, and Drift Cap. Because characters always increase both these stats by the same amount, this shorthand is often used.
Drift (Technique) State Pressing eitherButtonIcon-GCN-L.pngorButtonIcon-GCN-R.pngwhile holdingButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-L.pngorButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-R.pngwill have you increase your turning ability. While drifting you incur an extra fuel cost on top of your passive drain.
Drift Cap System Mechanic The maximum speed that can be obtained via a Drift Dash. If you are already moving above this value, your speed will not be decreased, but you won't gain any speed either.

The default value is 250, although this can be modified by your character, gear, or by leveling up.

Drift Dash Technique Drift Boost After drifting for the duration of your drift frames, your air trail will become cyan, and once you let go of the drift button you will gain a burst of speed. Drift Dashes will never increase your speed past your Drift Cap, although if you're going faster than your Drift Cap you won't lose any speed. Drift Dash speed can be affected by your character, level, and gear.
Flatten Status Effect A status effect inflicted by some attacks. While flattened, you lose the ability to jump, boost, drift dash, tornado, and ride turbulence.

You can still charge a jump, and drift while flattened.

Flight Ramp Map Assets Special ramps that put you in Fly State if you are a Fly Type. You cannot enter trick state by jumping off these ramps.
Fly Hoop Map Assets Airborne rings that, when passed through, will cause fly types to enter fly state, gain a burst of speed in the direction the hoop is facing, and will force them to face that direction. Some fly hoops will inflict control lock, this is usually done to prevent accidental death, or to prevent certain skips from being performed.
Fly State State Entered by cruising off a Flight Ramp or going through a Fly Hoop as a Fly Type. Fly speed is determined by your current Top Speed and the unique speed of that ramp or hoop.

Fly State uses pilot controls, meaning that holdingButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-U.pngwill make you go down, and vice versa.

Fly Type Attribute The ability to enter Fly State using Fly Hoops and Fly Ramps.
Inertia Special Effect Lose no speed when hitting a wall
Item Box, Random Map Assets Item boxes that give a random item. The chances of each item are determined by two factors: Your current place, and your current distance to the player 1 place above you. Being within 100 metres of that opponent will cause you to share the same loot table as them, so you will only get better lower place RNG when you are significantly behind.

1st Place

  • 10 Rings - 60%
  • 50 Air - 25%
  • Speed Shoes - 15%

2nd Place

  • 10 Rings - 25%
  • 20 Rings - 30%
  • 50 Air - 20%
  • 100 Air -10%
  • Speed Shoes - 10%
  • Magnet - 5%
Item Box, Set Map Assets Item boxes that always yield the same item. Often an entire line of boxes will all be set with different items to prioritize different positioning based on what you need. You can see the item inside.
Jump Cancel Boost Chain Advanced Technique JCBC Hold jump, then boost chain. Abuses the fact that charging a jump cancels a boost after 1 frame. This allows you to boost chain many times in succession and gain high bursts of speed as long as you have enough fuel to keep boosting. EXTREMELY AIR INEFFICIENT.
Jump Cancel Bonk Cancel Boost Chain Advanced Technique Bonk Dash JCBC into a wall, utilizing the bonk and letting go of the jump button to cancel your jump charge and return to cruising state. Effectively "refreshes" your boost timer as well as gaining extra speed from the boost chain.
Jump Cancel Boost Chain Dash Panel Cancel Advanced Technique JCBC-DPC JCBC right before a dash panel, letting go of the jump button before control is returned to the player. The dash panel will cancel the jump charge, but not the boost. Effectively "refreshes" your boost timer as well as gaining extra speed from the boost chain and dash panel.
Jump Charging Technique HoldingButtonIcon-GCN-A.pngcharges your jump. While charging, you begin to lose speed and your gear will emit energy which will turn red when fully charged. It takes 50 frames to fully charge. The amount of charge determines the speed at which you do tricks and the distance you travel when jumping off a ramp. By holding a direction when you let go, you can further influence your height and distance. HoldingButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-U.pnggoes farther, holdingButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-D.pnggoes higher.ButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-L.pngandButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-R.pngare treated the same as neutral. jump charge has no effect unless jumping off a ramp.
Jump Charge Multiplier (JCM) System Mechanic Multiply the gear's passive drain/gain value by this number to get the passive drain/gain while charging a jump
Legend Special Effect Automatic trick charge-up. Always gives you top path if possible. When going off Forced Ramps it will take effect even you cruise off the ramp without pressingButtonIcon-GCN-A.png. For cases where you want bottom path you can tapButtonIcon-GCN-A.pngat an early point of the ramp. Legend is disabled while being attacked, or while attacking.
Level Notation Terminology Many stats in Sonic Riders are affected by level. As such, we have a common notation that is used when referring to these numbers, which should be written like this: Level1/Level2/Level3

For example, a "standard" boost speed gear would have 200/230/250 boost speeds.

Level Up System Mechanic A mechanic shared by every gear that uses Air as fuel. You start the game at level 1. You can level up by collecting Rings, reaching Level 2 at 30 rings, and Level 3 at 60 rings.

-When you level up, your air gauge will get larger, your air will be fully replenished, and you get the following stat increases
(these are universal and stack on top of gear specific stat changes):
+13 Top Speed, +10 Drift Cap, +30 frames of Boost Duration, +10 Run Speed

-If you lose rings below the level threshold, you will level down and lose these stats.

-Gear stats are also changed upon level up, although the numbers are dependent on the gear itself, check for these changes in SRDX V1.0 Gear Data

-Your air trail will be green at level 1, red at level 2, and blue at level 3

Level 4 Special Effect A special level up unique toTurbo Star, entered after collecting 90 rings. Functions mostly like a normal level up, although it does not increase Top Speed or Run Speed.

Attacks and tornadoes are the same as level 3. Your air trail will be white at level 4.

Link System Mechanic By chaining your type ability multiple times, you gain link. Having a higher link increases your air gain from that type shortcut. The way you gain link is different for each type.

Speed type: Increases every time you jump to a new rail. Resets upon touching the ground.
Fly type: Increases every time you go through a fly hoop. Resets upon touching the ground.
Power type: Increases every time you hit a power object. Resets after not hitting a power object for 60 frames (1sec).

Low Traction Special Effect Your gear controls as if it is over the ice from Ice Factory.
Maximum Speed System Mechanic If you are above or below your max speed, you begin to acclerate/decelerate back to it. Max speed depends on the state you are in. The rate of accel/decel depends on how great the difference is between your current and max speed.

While cruising: Max Speed = Top Speed

While boosting: Max Speed = Boost Speed

While riding turbulence: Max Speed = 250 + bonuses from twirl and turbulence tricks

While Flying: Max Speed = Top Speed (You will still decel below Top Speed but higher top speed results in lower decel) While Falling: Max Speed= Top Speed

Moester_Dash Advanced Technique Ledge Cancel Boost Chain Term for a ledge cancel boost chain.

Performed by briefly going off a ledge, then landing back on the ground, and executing a boost chain. Can be used to get multiple boost chains off without the downside of being locked to another state like JCBC.

Money Crisis Special Effect Increases your Top Speed and Boost Speed by 0.5 for every ring in your ring gauge
Obscure Status Effect A status effect inflicted by some attacks. While obscured, your vision will be reduced, and you lose the ability to jump, boost, tornado, and ride turbulence. You can still drift, and charge a jump.
Off-road Category Self explanatory, riding on off-road lowers your top speed to 80. You gain immunity while in Running State.

Certain characters or gears will have off-road resistance, which will make the off-road top speed higher, usually to a negligible degree.

OmniType Category All Type Having access to the abilities of all 3 types.
Overclock Special Effect At 100 rings, converts into a ring gear with high stats. Even though you are a ring gear, you are still treated as being level 3. This means Level 3 boost duration, attacks, and tornadoes
Pickpocket Special Effect When attacking, you gain 15 rings.
Power Object Map Assets Objects that can be destroyed by Power Types such as barrels, boxes, statues, cars, walls, robots, grapes, pillars, pins, rocks, Opa Opas. Power Objects can be categorized into 4 groups: soft, hard, enemy, car.

- Soft Objects: will break when hit by any player. If a non Power Types breaks it they will lose speed, enter control lock, and won't gain air.

- Hard Objects: will only break when hit by Power Types, and will knock non Power Types to the side.

- Enemies: will roam within a certain range and will try to run into any player that gets close enough. They are only destroyed by Power Types.

- Cars: some are stationary, but some will move along a predetermined path. Cars can only be destroyed by Power Types and Turbulence.

Power Type Attribute The ability to gain air/speed by destroying Power Objects.
Ramps Map Assets Ramps can be categorized into 3 groups: forced, manual, quarterpipe

- Forced Ramps: "Traditional" ramps. Even if you run off these without jumping, the game will treat it as if you jumped with minimum charge. Sometimes multiple paths can be reached based on how you jump. You will get the top path if you get have enough jump charge while holding a certain direction. On flat ramps, you want to go further (holdButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-U.png), and on curved ramps, you want to go higher (holdButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-D.png).

- Manual Ramps: Ramps the player must actively jump to use, they are usually optional. They tend to not look like ramps but rather as ledges with some kind of visual indication they can be used as a ramp.

Trick speed is noticeably slower on these ramps, although you can also use the control stick to move around while in trick state, unlike other ramps.

- Quarterpipes: These ramps are always optional and are usually used to access a type shortcut. You can only do spin tricks on these (left & right).

Even if you run off these without jumping, the game will treat it as if you jumped with minimum charge. Upon landing, Quarterpipes increase your trick rank by 1, and increase your trick landing speed by +100.

Rings Resource Can be obtained by moving into them on the ground, or by collecting item boxes. On Air Gears, they are used to Level Up. On ring gears, rings become the fuel. 1 ring is equivalent to 10 air. As the game treats rings identically to air, it is possible to have fractions of a ring, although the HUD display will always round down to the nearest integer.
Ring Gear Gears that use rings as their fuel instead of air. As they don't consume air, they are immune to air pits. Ring gears do not level up, and are usually treated as if they are level 1, although Overclock overrides this and allows Gambler to be a level 3 ring gear.

All rings gears have 2 innate effects:

- charging a jump eliminates fuel consumption

- air item boxes give 5 rings instead, regardless of the amount of air you would have received

Running State (Start of Race) State Your state at the beginning of the race. HoldingButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-U.pngallows you to move forward, to a max speed of 150. HoldingButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-D.pngallows you to walk backwards, to a max speed of 20.
Running State (Out of Fuel) State When you run out of fuel, you will continue the race on foot until you gain more fuel. Controls similarly to Start of Race run, but you can also fully accelerate while turning, acceleration is greatly increased, and your max run speed will scale with level 150/160/170. You will always enter pits in this state, even if clutch is activated.
Shock Status Effect A status effect inflicted by some attacks. While shocked, you are completely immobilized and suffer from Control Lock.
Slipstream System Mechanic While in first place, you produce an invisible field behind you, in the shape of a segment of a sphere, similar to an orange slice.

If you were to view from above, the radius of the circle is 500m and the edges extending to it are angled 30° to the left and right. Players that are inside the field and facing a similar direction gain a few effects:

- Gain speed every frame. The base amount is to multiply your current speed by 1.001.

- The multiplier increases by up to 0.002 (at 500 range) based on distance from your opponent squared.

- The multiplier increases by up to 0.001 based on how well you are following your opponent (how close you are to being directly behind them)

- Gain +10 drift cap While under the effects of slipstream, wind can be visibly seen rushing around your character.

Due to the conical shape (in the X and Y axis), the width increases with distance. This means that if you are close, the player in 1st place can swerve to deny you slipstream.

Speed System Mechanic In-game unit for speed, roughly equivalent to meters/second.
Speed Type Attribute The ability to grind on rails.
Sphere Status Effect A status effect inflicted by Shadow's Level 3 attack. While inside the sphere, you are completely immobilized, airborne and suffer from Control Lock.
Spinout Status Effect A status effect inflicted by all level 2 attacks, causing you be knocked away while locking your controls for a short period of time.
Stutter Drift Technique The act of drifting for a short amount of time to slightly adjust your angle, often done rapidly in succession by mashing the drift button.
Top Speed Attribute The most common Max Speed value. Affects acceleration and deceleration in almost every state except boosting.
Tornado Technique PressingButtonIcon-GCN-L.png and ButtonIcon-GCN-R.pngsimultaneously will leave behind a tornado that will slow and knock up other players on contact. Different tornado types are placed depending on the player's current level:

- Level 1: 1 small tornado will spawn, lasting 3 seconds

- Level 2: 2 clockwise orbiting small tornadoes will spawn, lasting 5 seconds

- Level 3: 1 large tornado will spawn, lasting 7 seconds note: Turbo Star uses a level 3 tornado even after it reaches level 4

Tornado Boost Special Effect Using a tornado generates a 0 duration boost; giving you a burst of speed but not allowing you to attack. The Speed is always the same as your current Boost Speed
Trick Payout Special Effect Gain rings when a successful trick is performed. The amount of Rings is dependent on the Trick Rank, with the value being the amount of air you would normally get, divided by 10.

C=2 rings B=3 rings A=4 rings A+=4.5 rings S=5 rings S+=6 rings X=10 rings

Trick Rank System Mechanic The rating of your performance while in Trick State. There are 7 possible ranks you can obtain after exiting Trick State, the possible ranks are as follows, in ascending order: C > B > A > A+ > S > S+ > X

When checking the rank you should get, the game takes 3 criteria into account, the degrees of rotation you spun by performing tricks, the amount of unique directions for those tricks, and how well you stuck the landing. You can approximate the first criteria to "the amount of tricks performed" because in almost every case 1 trick will give enough rotation to be simplified as 1 trick for easy maths. (Some X rank combos are exceptions to this rule)

For example: 3 tricks will always net you an S or S+, what determines the rank in this case is the directions of the tricks; 3 right tricks will get a S, while 1 up and 2 right tricks will net you an S+.

Landing poorly will always result in a C rank, however landing as a trick ends can result in a higher rank due to there being extra rotation. Sometimes the timing of the final trick can be the difference between an S+, X, or C rank.

Your starting speed and air gain upon landing depends on the rank. Each rank grants the following bonuses:

C rank: 90 speed, + 20 air

B rank: 100 speed, + 30 air

A rank: 150 speed, +40 air

A+ rank: 150 speed, +45 air

S rank: 180 speed, +50 air

S+ rank: 180 speed, +60 air

X rank: 200 speed, +100 air

Trick State State After using a ramp, you enter trick state, during which you can perform tricks by moving the analog stick. The speed at which you perform tricks is dictated by your level of Jump Charge. When jumping off a ramp, you can influence the distance of your jump by holding a direction.ButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-U.pngwill cause your jump to go further horizontally, while holdingButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-D.pngwill cause your jump to go higher. Both of these can be useful in cases where one ramp leads to 2 different paths. A general rule of thumb is that on flat ramps, holdingButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-U.pngwill get you top path, while on ramps that curve, holdingButtonIcon-GCN-Control Stick-D.pngwill get top path.

On Manual Ramps, you can also move in the air with the analog stick, this requires you to be more mindful of your tricks as movement and tricks are bound to the same action.

Turbulence Map Assets A halfpipe of wind that is generated by the player in 1st place, allowing other players to ride it and catch up. When riding, you will accel or decel to 250 speed, which is considered to be your max speed while riding turbulence. This speed can be increased through various methods, such as Twirl and Turbulence Tricks.

Turbulence tends to prefer being created in certain parts of each stage and will never appear in tight spaces. You can also willingly cut off turbulence you are producing by jumping, or bonking. You can manually exit turbulence by pressingButtonIcon-GCN-L.pngandButtonIcon-GCN-R.pngsimultaneously, or simply drop out by activating the Clutch State. Riding turbulence until it naturally ends will give you a +50 speed bonus upon landing. You are unaffected by Slipstream while riding Turbulence.

Turbulence (Map Generated) Map Assets On Babylon Garden, there is a patch of Turbulence that will be created during the race on lap 1 and remain there forever. As it never disappears, you can strategically twirl in specific spots in order to create trick arrows that can be used on later laps, or intentionally not twirl to deny giving players behind arrows to use turbulence tricks on.
Turbulence Tricks Technique By moving towards the edge of turbulence where arrows appear, you can perform a trick. You will gain air or rings normally according to the trick rank, and upon landing you will gain speed, the amount of speed is dependent on whether you land on the ground, or back on Turbulence.

-Landing on Turbulence: increase your current Turbulence speed by [1.5speed]-50. This speed bonus lasts until you exit turbulence, and can be stacked infinitely.

-Landing on the ground: multiplies speed by 1.5x

Twirl Technique Recipro While riding turbulence, pressing theButtonIcon-GCN-A.pngbutton while near the edge will increase your speed by +10. Your character will spin to signify that you've done it correctly. A trick arrow will appear wherever a player performs a twirl.
Twist Status Effect A status effect inflicted by some attacks. While twisted, you are completely immobilized and suffer from Control Lock
Type System Mechanic There are 3 types (Speed, Fly, Power) which grant characters the ability to use type shortcuts. Characters can have up to 1 type naturally, but can have multiple types by using certain gears. Types also grant certain stats, but only to characters that naturally have it. Super characters are not affected by type stats regardless of the amount of types they have.

Speed type grants the ability to grind on rails.

Fly type grants the ability to enter Fly State using Fly Hoops and Fly Ramps.

Power type grants the ability to gain air/speed by destroying Power Objects.

Updraft State Extend When exiting Turbulence, you will receive a max jump charge for 60 frames. This allows you to to ride Turbulence and still get top paths by just tapping A.
Weight System Mechanic Mostly negligible stat that is dependent on your character and gear. Affects how quickly the platforms tilt in the monkey ball section on SEGA Carnival.

When colliding with an opponent, the player with lower weight will be pushed more, the math behind this is currently unknown.