SRDX/Gears/Super Hang On

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Revision as of 06:50, 22 January 2023 by Crimsongaia (talk | contribs)
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Super Hang-On is a High Boosting- Special type gear which has very good stats at the cost of not being able to refill your air normally with tricks and only accepting Air from pitting in on the PIT stations to refill your air.

Super Hang-On is a unique gear that can go really fast but also has to take frequent stops in order to keep it's air reserves full. The user needs to account for this when playing the gear and know when and where is the most optimal time to take your stop and refill.

Super Hang On
Super hang on.png
Gear Archetypes: 
High Boosting Icon.png Special Icon.png
Fuel Type: Air
Special Effects: - Special Theme - Air Gain from Pits only

Pros And Cons

Super Hang-On requires careful routing with Air Pits to make effective use of its excellent stats.
Pros Cons
  • Very Good Stats: Super Hang-On is a very fast gear that can tear the track if left unattended
  • Decent Handling: The gear has above average steering which can help the user be more aggressive or just being able to control his lines much better
  • Faster pit stops: Super Hang-on refills your air from Pits at a very fast rate.
  • High risk: Although very fast and nimble Super-Hang On can be shut down really hard if the opponent plays to it's weakness of not being able to get air outside of Pits

Raw Stats